Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Finally returning to my favorite pasttime-- blogging:).

The last couple of months have been a whirlwind. New home, new county, new beginnings.

One thing I miss most is not being able to see my friends all the time. I know we are all busy with life but the connections that have been made, time is always desired to just spend time together.

There is much love in our new home and whenever we fill it with our friends, it awakens the home into a warmer place.

I know this blog is confusing but these are feelings I had to reveal and this is the way I deal with the missing of my friends.

My next posts are going to be interesting. You will see.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too but we will see each other Thursday! :)

    And if I had the gas money I'd be at your house every single day!
