Thursday, June 3, 2010


It has been awhile since I wrote on here and today I felt like catching up on my thoughts.

I think I may make this blog more political.

So much has been happening in the news and I needed a forum to get my thoughts out in.

The oil spill in LA has been heartbreaking to say the least. It has flooded me with so many emotions. I have felt angry at times that big oil companies are able to do what they want because they have such a tight hold on our government. The safety cautions that they ignore is unforgivable. This also goes for coal companies. So many people have died over tragedies that were preventable. Where is that ok? When will these large conglomarates become responsible partners?

Now all I see is our beautiful oceans being overtaken by an oil slick that is unstoppable. Our beautiful planet is being abused because of corporate greed. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?